If you are overweight, you have a problem with inflammation. Period.

I will teach you the anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle you need to lose the fat and be Healthy and Happy.

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It's never too late for health and healing.

Start to learn to shift your focus from calories to health. Your 12-page guide is ready for download.

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If you’re not healing your existing inflammation, you’ll never be able to lose the weight (and keep it off!).

Does this sound like you:

"I'm doing all the right things and I still can not lose weight."

"I'm starting to feel my age, my (skin, joints, energy) are not what it used to be."

"I am tired of dieting and exercising with no/little results! I need help!"


Welcome, you are in the right place.

The standard diet advice of "eat less, exercise more" DOES NOT work for you. Together we will get to the root of the problem.

Inflammation = obesity, as in stubborn weight that seems impossible to budge.

Inflammation = premature aging, looking and feeling your age or worse- older than you are.

Inflammation = chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or insulin resistance, digestive disorders, auto-immune problems, depression/anxiety and more.


Hi, I'm Felicia!

I am a holistic dietitian and licensed dietitian nutritionist.

For the past 22 years, I have worked with people with stubborn weight challenges and chronic health conditions.

This was when I realized the 'calories in-calories out' and the 'all food in moderation' theories do not work. If they did, my job would be easy, and we would all be tall and thin.

Once I started to explore the root cause of clients' problems, I found many of the “old school rules" not only do not apply but may be making things worse for many people who are suffering and made to think they are to blame or are just too lazy or undisciplined.

Food Health Happiness is a place for people seeking holistic nutrition and wellness coaching and support. I keep things in simple and achievable steps so you will have the tools and resources you need to succeed.

"Felicia taught me how to eat to let me feel in control of my diet without constantly feeling hungry or deprived of food. Having a plan and tools gives me peace. Thank you."

- C.P.

"Thank you for caring. You are a talented mentor and teacher. What I learned about food and nutrition has made such an overall improvement in my health I am forever grateful. I wish I had met you years ago."

- M.S.

Keep In Touch

Throughout the year I will be offering challenges, workshops and programs to guide you on your wellness journey. It's fun in here.

Menus and recipes are also in the works!

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