Get Slim Without the Gym! Learn 5 Fat Burning Techniques to Lose Weight Comfortably

Woman stretching legs

Finding the time to work out can be hard enough with busy schedules, family demands, travel time, and so forth …..but no matter the situation, time and comfort are of the essence.

I understand the struggle-  your thought process, “I want to go to the gym.”

Next 5 thoughts:

  1. I need to change
  2. Get back into the car
  3. Drive 15 minutes to the gym
  4. Size up how many cute young 20-somethings checking their hair and make-up in the mirrors, and move far away from them……
  5. “Wait!   I need to be back in time for ____________ “(fill in the blank). 

Never mind, I will work out tomorrow…….

So let’s start now where you are, not where you are going to be when life is “perfect.”

Let’s start with 6 simple steps toward wellness. 

If you are here with me, you should know a healthy weight is more than calories and exercise.  A healthy outlook gives us a healthy mind and body. 

Get Outside Daily

This should not be a big ask, but I am always surprised when I ask my clients, “when was the last time you were outside for more than 20 minutes?” and many people REALLY have to ponder that question.  Many of us, without realizing it spend the majority of our time indoors;  in our homes, office, car, store, etc.  Get outside!  Breath in some fresh air, and get some natural light on your face. 

  • Is it cold? Put on a coat.
  • Raining? Find a coat with a hood or try an umbrella. 
  • Hot outside?  Don’t walk at high noon.

Now that we solved that crisis.

Studies have shown just 20 minutes of a brisk walk can benefit our health.

Going for a 20-minute walk for just three days a week for six weeks can result in:

  •  20% increase in energy levels
  • better cardiovascular health
  • less fatigue
  • better cholesterol levels
  • less inflammation

Workouts at Home

Nowadays, everything can be accessed on the internet, and many personal trainers make a living teaching easy and effective fitness courses online. You can get some great free workouts without even entering the gym.

This also gives you flexibility. Want to lose weight dancing? Well, you can with a quick type on the YouTube search bar. You can even be more precise and specifically search for ballet workouts or salsa dancing workouts. You are in control of your workout destiny, so take the power into your hands! Hating the gym is no longer a viable excuse!

Quick tip: Try the Core line available on Amazon.  The exercise routines are well paced with clear, helpful instructions.  Each video contains 5 to 15 – 10 minute workouts.  The instructors note variations based on fitness level.  You can purchase DVDs, rent, or buy downloads.  So technology-wise, there is an option for everyone.  

Water. Water. WATER!!

I know you might hear it all the time, but it’s your lifeline! Hydration keeps your body moving all the toxins and unwanted materials from hanging around and re-circulating.  Proper hydration allows your body to expel these toxins and boosts your metabolism the more you drink it.

And the best part about water is that it’s easily accessible. So, if you’re only drinking two glasses a day, bump it up to four and then six and then eight! And before you know it, your body will be faster, stronger and you’ll have more energy!

Don’t Stay Up Past Your Bedtime!

We all love to stay up and watch a movie marathon or read that book that we can’t put down, but we have to wake up early most days. This is definitely not good for losing weight or even maintaining it! By doing this often, you are just stressing your muscles and your brain, as it gives it less time to shift through the materials in your body for proper metabolic function. The side effects of not having proper sleep can result in fatigue, mood swings, aching pains, and a slower metabolism!

A 2020 study found that adults who slept fewer than 7 hours per night had a 41% increased risk of developing obesity, yes 41% !!   

Obesity Research & Clinical Practice

Simply setting a bedtime that allows you 8 or more hours of healing rest can increase your metabolic processing rate and rejuvenate your body overnight. There is nothing but pros on this one, so maintain a good sleep schedule and wake up feeling fresh and restored.

Stretch the Stress Away

A quick stretch can be a lot more useful and rejuvenating to the body than one might expect. Not only does stretching help prevent further injury during strenuous workouts or everyday activities, but it also awakens the body. It is the alarm to the nervous system that it needs to keep up the good work throughout the day and generally restarts your system at maximum speed.

After a good stretch of the main muscles—in the torso, neck, abdomen, hamstrings, and biceps—you can feel your body charge up in energy as a quick spurt of endorphins flood through your bloodstream.

So no matter if it’s just touching your toes or an entire stretch workout, you should get your stretch on multiple times a day.

Don’t Drink Away Your Calories

Beverages are one of the sneakiest culprits that mess up diet strategies and weight-loss plans.  It is easy to overconsume calories without realizing it because many consume liquids mindlessly.  Even that ‘healthy and nutritious smoothie can be a problem as it can contain a lot of fructose from fruits without enough fiber/fat and protein to balance it out.  Combined with the fact smoothies can be very calorically dense without the same satisfaction or satiety level as eating a meal.

One large sweet tea provides  200 calories on average—that’s 10% of the calories you should be eating a day! “But Felicia, I drink diet beverages,…..”  Not so fast often times sweet beverages incite cravings for other sweets and salty snacks. You’re already trying to eat less of those, so why tempt yourself further?

Let’s go back to basics and have a glass of water.  Find a brand that you prefer the taste of;  this can make all the difference in how much water you drink.  I once had a patient whose family brought him in well water from home to drink until he was discharged.  Well-water in glass mason jars was the only water he would drink.   Different waters have different flavor profiles.

Water is tasty, non-caloric, and everywhere!  Flavor it up with fresh-cut fruits, a squeeze of lemon, herbs, or cucumber.

Late afternoon slump or worse yet, a headache?  You may be dry.  Be mindful of your hydration.

Concluding Thoughts:

Now that you’ve got these tips on your side, you can start a path to a healthier and slimming daily routine without making a trip to the gym. Slow and steady, your metabolism will improve, and the fat will burn off your body with ease. And at the same time, your mind will be expanding with positive endorphins and chemicals. So, start your healthier lifestyle today without the gym! You’ll start feeling good as you get into the groove of your new routine, and your body will be thanking you for it by presenting you with stunning results.

Action Steps

So which of the above suggestions are you going to implement?  
“When thoughts become actions, the real changes begin.”
Need some accountability help?  Try using a tracker to provide a visual record of your daily progress.



  1. Mark on September 7, 2022 at 9:16 pm

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.